Today, an AP article reported on a proposal being considered in the United Kingdom that would change the labeling of food, especially snack food. Instead of displaying the calories of an item, the chips, candy bar, or beverage would instead
Please take a few minutes to watch this wonderful video thoughtfully produced by the University of Adelaide in Australia. They tackle the important issue of frailty and discuss causes and solutions. The video could be an advertisement for our mission
In all of my sessions with clients, we work extensively on breathing and not only its role in maximizing exercise, but also decreasing discomfort. Today, I came across a wonderful article from Scientific American that lays out the research and
Walking is king. I don’t consider walking an exercise. I see walking as an essential activity to living. Although my number one overall recommendation, walking is not my number one exercise recommendation. One activity that some people find increasingly difficult
One area that I focus on with all my clients is gait speed. Not just walking faster, but having the ability to vary speed. The act of walking faster engages more muscles, improves balance, requires deeper breathing, and improves our
SOB DietTM stands for Salad (or Soup), Oatmeal, and Beans. Trudi and I started this way of eating almost 10 years ago. Without question, we credit this core way of approaching food intake to: Decreased illness (colds, flu, etc) Better
Most physical therapists give their patients home exercise programs. Predictably, most patients do not perform the home exercise programs. I believe that their are two barriers to overcome for greater compliance: Too many exercises given (a topic for later discussion)
Plato lived nearly 2500 years ago when there were no grocery stores, fast food joints, cars, airplanes, doctors, hospitals and one had almost no choice except to move, but he still espoused exercise. Modern medicine is still in its infancy
Once I learned that I cannot fix anyone, the better my outcomes were for my patients/clients. Education is my treatment modality of choice these days. My client and I sit and talk about goals, strategies, and scenarios effecting their health,
I use this graphic to explain to clients that nothing happens in isolation. And of course when it comes to pain, the philosophy is doubly appropriate. I use various names for this graphic including wheel of death, wheel of pain,