Plato lived nearly 2500 years ago when there were no grocery stores, fast food joints, cars, airplanes, doctors, hospitals and one had almost no choice except to move, but he still espoused exercise.

Modern medicine is still in its infancy at less than 100 years old. Experts and medical professionals told us that smoking was good for us, until it wasn’t. Experts and medical professionals told us eating eggs was bad and drinking milk was good, until both were proved wrong. Experts and medical professionals used to prescribe bed rest for back pain sufferers, until that was debunked. 

My point is that experts’ advice are only good until someone disproves them. When it comes to staying healthy, sticking with the basics proven by the test of time and common sense is the route to take. Plato nailed it succinctly in his quote.

It seems that taking medicine and regularly visiting healthcare professionals has become a national past-time and accepted as normal practice. Are we healthier for this change? I say no. The expense, time, and mental anguish that surrounds modern healthcare has replaced living well.

Plato’s words have been proven not only by the test of time, but also by countless medical and scientific studies and scores of stories recanted by healthy people every day. I would add two simple additions to Plato’s advice leaving you with three simple pieces of advice to stay healthy:

  1. Move your body daily in ways that get you breathing heavier than normal.
  2. Eat and drink in moderation, focusing on the least processed foods possible with a focus on plant based foods and staying hydrated. 
  3. Learn something new every day whether from a book, internet, magazine, newspaper, or better yet another person or class.
Plato knew
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