Once I learned that I cannot fix anyone, the better my outcomes were for my patients/clients. 

Education is my treatment modality of choice these days. My client and I sit and talk about goals, strategies, and scenarios effecting their health, then I show them this chart:

This simple illustration startles most of my clients. After discussing its meaning, regarding their particular situation, I quickly learn whether we can work together. If a client (patient) cannot embrace this chart and understand their part in their own health and recovery, then I politely let them know we cannot work together. 

The four hours in the pie chart stem from an outpatient clinic I used to work in that included speech and occupational therapy. Of course most of our clients/patients in the private world do not get four hours of therapy weekly, so the green slice is even thinner! 

For those that understand the importance of this chart and their part in their recovery/health, the education of what they can do, should do, and cannot do becomes much easier. I do not want my clients to be my clients for life. I want them to become independent problem solvers who understand their limitations and how to apply what they learn through our sessions to minimize their limitations and grow stronger and more independent with their health and mobility. 

Your therapist cannot fix you
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